Friday, June 13, 2008

Annie and Slevin Plus Eleven

It's been about four hundred years since I've written a post, because I have been unfortunately distracted by life, and graduating, and finding a job, and moving into a new house, and going shopping (new season=new clothes), and shopping more. But anyway, now I'm doing the responsible, adult, post-college thing and blogging(I'm sort of peeved by that word-blogging, not sure why)while i'm supposed to be doing my job.

I've been watching a semi-disturbing number of Bachelor re-run marathons on ABC family(my personal crack-cocaine)and do my best to watch every episode of the current season of the Bachelorette. And by "do my best" I mean, I gouge out anybody's eyes who get in the way of me and the TV. I make Bachelorette Brownies for my sister and I every monday night, like some sacred, weekly holiday. I turn down legitimately fun-sounding invitations to do other things, in favor of watching how DeAnna's love-search unfolds. So okay, safe to say I'm going through a phase. But there are just a few things that I don't understand, can't figure out, etc. Clearly the producers and casting directors put a fair amount of obsessive weirdos and psychos in every season's batch. They must do it on purpose, otherwise how would people like Ron (the mayor of awkwardville), or the crazy chick who kept screaming about her rotting eggs, or the far too intense Mr. "I'm a virgin, guys! I'm so holy! You're a bleep bleepin bleeper! I'm a virgin!", ever find their way on the show? I'd be upset about that if I was the bachelorette, I'd want them to at least tell me who the crazies are so I can get rid of them early.
Plus If EVERYBODY who has EVER gone on the show (with a couple over-publicized exceptions) has broken up, seriously within weeks of the show, then why do people still go on it with any hope? Why do I still watch it with any hope?

And most importantly, why did she not give Fred a rose last week? I adored Fred. whats not to love about Fred.

In other show news, I have decided to have 8 kids at once so I can be just like John and Kate Plus Eight...or more than 8, to make things really exciting. I will go on Oprah and take the whole fam on network funded trips to Disney World and act really tired and stressed even though I'm secretly thinking Jackpot! Multiples are so trendy.

Maybe I'll add more later, sometimes a girl with a job has to, you know, do her job. If anybody is going to be around Kansas City this weekend by any chance, check out the Summer at Sea fashion show on west 18th street downtown, Saturday at dusk! (don't you love when things are scheduled at dusk, or dawn, or twilight, or tea time?) We have six pieces showing, should be thrilling.

go play outside.

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