Well it wasn't 30 something, but it wasn't my actual age either. And I couldn't help but wonder if work actually speeds up the aging process. The sweet girl was kind enough to say, "Your face looks young, but you act older." But, damage done. It's not that I mind much if she thinks I'm older than I am. Scratch that. It's just that I can't believe I'm one of those people. You know who I mean. Remember when you were in school and anyone who was out of school and working was just sort of...faceless? I remember just lumping them all together. The people who wore khaki pants and sensible shoes. The people who went through the Starbucks drive-thru instead of sitting inside and enjoying their coffee. The people who had short haircuts. They were a separate kind. A people foreign to me and my carefree days of a few hours in class, a few pages of notes, mostly friends. I can't believe I've joined them. Can't believe the only time I go out is for a happy hour, still clad in my work clothes. I can't bring myself to wear khaki but I am always wearing sensible shoes. I have this flower barrette my dearest friend once gave me and I've been nervous to wear it to work because it seems just 'too flashy.' Why does this happen to us? I never cared about blending in just two years ago. Does something in us break or settle? Do we simply calm down?
In any case, I'm no 28. And I plan to avoid 28 for at least a few more years by never wearing pants like this:

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