Friday, April 23, 2010

The Window

It's official. I have moved up in the world. Drum roll please.....

I have a window.

I know what you're all thinking: that is not an accomplishment. Oh but it is. I recently got a new job and all joking aside, I think I ultimately took the job because it came with a view.

Not the worst reason I've ever done something.

In my old office, I had this horrible cubicle that seemed to have the ability to suck out my soul. Additionally, it was in a basement. There were a couple windows, but they all had bars on them. Needless to say, I have not experienced natural light on a Wednesday in two years.

But NOW. Now, I have a window. And I can look out and see lacrosse practice or some other ridiculous east-coast sport. I feel like I've "made it" in life. And all because of a little (Ok, it's a BIG) window. It strikes me as funny; the speed at which our standards can be lowered. Or highered. I think of myself two years ago and am sure that it would have taken more than a window to wind me up. I guess that's life. Constantly lowering or highering expectations. Or maybe just getting to the point where you don't have any expectations at all so that having a window, thrills the shit out of you. Maybe.

I sort of hope I'm always the kind of person whose life can be absolutely made, by a window.

Here is my new building. You have to admit, it is sort of fabulous:

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