Wednesday, June 29, 2011

wednesdays are hard


of emails.

and the clock remaining at 4:48 p.m. for about 10 HOURS.

and the fact that my undergarment choice today is...questionable...and uncomfortable...and inserting itself in places it shouldn't.

and the fact that it's wednesday and there's nothing good on t.v. on wednesday all year long.

and the fact that I'm hungry for the 9 millionth time today.

and the fact that it was Mediterranean weather outside all day long--crystal blue skies, dry air--and I'm tied to my desk as per usual.

and the fact that I'm still bitter at myself for watching old episodes of The Hills via instant play netflix last night. waste of a perfectly wonderful Tuesday night.

and the fact that i want a boxer puppy. P-L-E-A-S-E.

and the fact that i have had a zit on my chin for a full month now. A FULL MONTH. It is like I am 14. Except I didn't have zits when I was 14. No. My face decided to start breaking out when I turned 25. naturally.

and, I don't know. It's called hump day. annoying.

and I had a voicemail from someone today that said, "I have a question for you, but I'll just send you an email." THEN SEND ME THE EMAIL AND FORGET ABOUT THE VOICEMAIL.

In other news. Try this recipe. It is good and not as terrible for you as a bowl of pasta. I would know, I would live in a bowl of pasta if I could.

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