I can't stop saying the word "super."
I don't know what it is. I don't even like the word. I don't like anything the word is used to describe. Super Heroes (I think they are lame. And I really hate how popular they are right now--please stop making movies about people who can fly or become invisible or shoot fire out of their eyes. Exception: Harry Potter. He is not a Super Hero, he is a warlock--though he can fly and become invisible) I dislike Super Wal-Marts,

Super-Soaker Waterguns (due to a very specific incident),

And the most seasonal 'Supers' of them all, the Super Bowl (I just don't care that much....usually.)
I just can't stop saying this word. I'll be at work and I'll ask someone how their day is and they'll say 'great' and I respond, 'super,' and I don't know why. It reminds me of those stamps that grade school teachers used to use. You know, when you would get a 100% on a worksheet and they wanted to give you something special. The stamp always said "super," or it was a sticker.

Super. I mean super is the word you use when you want to make fun of something. Oh no. I use it in all seriousness, in every day conversation. I mean maybe you could get away with using "super" in like 1992--you know, before we had so many totally awesome internet acronyms to describe how we're feeling. But not now. "Super" is the worst 's' word you can say. And I've thought of them all, so I know.
Have a super day.
Maybe I'll start saying "terrific" instead.
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