During season 1 I was really into American Idol. Then I got sick of watching idiots win so I quit watching for awhile.
But recently I've come back. I returned for several reasons.
#1 I absolutely love Simon Cowell. He says it like it is. He gets a bad rap because most people have a thin skin and can't admit the fact that they suck and should find dreams that don't include people having to listen to their terrible voices but I think he's an alright guy.
#2 Watching Paula Abdul make a complete idiot of herself. I mean the woman may have thought her embarassing days were over once she made the Opposites Attract music video with that cartoon cat...but I don't know...I guess she never realized she'd be paid to give professional advice to young singers. I feel like maybe Paula's been smoking crack but I can't tell for sure.

#3 Picking out a person to relentlessly make fun of. This season I have chosen Garrett Haley. Oh my. He'll be loads of fun. Also that Danny Noriega. Sometimes they make it too easy.
#4 Two words: David Archuleta. He's only 17 so legal issues have to be taken into consideration, but I think he's kind of a doll. And I don't think too many people are dolls. But he is. You kind of just want to put him in your pocket

I guess I'm just really glad American Idol has started because now maybe the news will cover less about all this next president of the United States crap and more on who our next totally awesome American Idol is going to be. They're called priorities people.
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