Ok. I have given up trying to defy technology. I mean I have a blog for crying out loud. For so long I tried to push it away. For so long I tried to pretend that it would all blow over and pretty soon we'd all be back to riding our bicycles and getting porn the good old fashioned way--from a magazine. (Ok the last part was crass. My apologies to the pure of heart and mind). I accept that certain things will never be the way they used to be. And that's fine--that's the way the world works and it's necessary for it to constantly change and move. However manners, and our expectations of people are things I don't think should ever change.
I'm quite a stickler on manners. Saying please and thank you and putting your napkin in your lap when you eat and saying hello and goodbye and dammit just once I wish someone would stand up for me when I came to a table. I think people should starts their letters, WAIT, e-mails with "Dear" and end them "Sincerely," or "Yours," or if they must, "Love." People should say "Excuse me." Anyway. I like manners. I'm not uptight--I just expect people to extend the same politeness to me that I extend to them.
Now, cell phones are nifty little things. I mean they've completely made that nasty chore of memorizing phone numbers non-existent. They are good to have for emergencies. (Note: I miss people not being able to contact me at any point in the day).
But that's not the point of this post.
My point is the rudeness that too often accompanies cell phones. Do you want to know what I find more infuriating than anything else in the world? When I'm talking to a person, or I'm watching a movie with a person and they find it necessary to pull out their phone and text people for two hours. I hate text messaging. I'm terrible at it. I just stare at the keys blankly and become annoyed and start pressing buttons that don't make sense. I hate texting. And I think it's incredibly rude to text when you are with other people. You look like a loser, and you are quite rude. So stop. Look at me and listen to me because I'm sure I have many important things to say to you. Like David Archuleta should be the next American Idol. And Obama the next president. (See who I put first? Priorities)
I've said it before. Texting and walking. I mean seriously--what is so important that it can't wait a few minutes? Are you dying? Is your mother dying? Is your childhood pet dying? (Wait, that is not important enough to text and walk--it must be the death of a human) Is your car/home being broken into? Oh, no? Ok then put the phone away and just walk. Just walk. Do we really have to stimulated by something electronic at every moment in the day?
And talking on the phone. I can't stand when people find it necessary to talk on their phone around other people. If it's a private phone call then make it private. Leave the table, leave the room. Go sit in your car or something. That's the beauty of cell phones--they go anywhere. Kindly take them away from me.
And the ringtones. I get it. It's totally awesome to have Fergie's latest spelling bee set to music as your ringtone--but turn it off. Especially if you're receiving numerous texts and you answer it immediately so everyone in the room hears the same opening chords over and over again. It's called vibrate. Use it. Love it.
I don't know. I'm just sick of it I guess. Put the cell phone down and get a life.
1 comment :
Dear Goodthyme,
I'm glad you put that picture of the elderly man with the elderly cellphone up there even though it brings to mind Christian Bale chasing through bare halls, wearing only white shoes, chainsaw in tow. But I'll get to that in a minute--not the Christian Bale stuff, but the big cellphone stuff.
Texting is definitely annoying, especially at the movie theater when you are brought out of a Larry-The-Cable-Guy instilled trance while watching Witless Protection (Don't worry I won't include any spoilers in case you have yet to see this heart-string-tugging film) by the alien blue glow of some nimrod's cellphone screen who is sitting in front of you, the clicking of the keys filling the air like the sounds of a nest full of chirping baby crickets. All I can think is didn't this person see the cute premovie cartoon penguin kindly instruct all the members of the audience to kindly turn off their cellphones and refrain from texting? This person was probably texting at the time and failed to notice the cute premovie penguin and his cute premovie penguin message. So, this person basically dropped $8.00 to sit in the dark and ruin what might be the finest cinema to come out of the tank since Delta Farce. If they wanted to text in the dark they could have had someone lock them in a closet and turn of the lights for free, probably.
My only other concern about cellphones is that they are getting so small that they are getting to be a definite choking hazard. Somebody should get the FDA or Surgeon General on the case before somebody dies. We should just go back to the monster-sized cellphones like the one in the picture that you posted. I bet people wouldn't think they were so cool then walking and talking and texting around.
Sincerely, Yours,
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