1.) I feel like I've discovered a great deal of new music from commercials. Advertisers must have caught on that we don't like jingles. They're corny and stupid. Except I always liked the "What would you do for a Klondike Bar," one. Because, what would I do for a klondike bar? I don't know. I guess a variety of things. I don't know just how far I would go. It's quite perplexing.
2.) How horrible is that show, 'Moment of Truth.' I mean seriously. These people go on these shows, with their families, and they have to answer all these horrible, horrible questions, with their spouse or mother sitting right there. Like "Have you ever regretted marrying your husband?" And the lady's husband is sitting like 10 feet away just staring at her. I don't know. It's so awkward and uncomfortable it makes my head explode. Not literally. But I kept seeing promos for it and I thought, well that's pretty awful, and then it was on right before American Idol last night so I watched the last 5 minutes...and it really is that awful. I guess people really are willing to destroy their entire lives for money. Smart.
3.) Perfect transition. American Idol. I know I used to love David Archuleta and I wanted to put him in my pocket and everything--but the last few weeks I've decided he's on the wrong show. I think he should try out for the Miss America Pageant. I really do. It's like everything has to have a message and meaning. And come on, who doesn't want everyone to have a home and enough to eat, but give me a break. Just shut up, stop trying to send a message all the time. It's annoying. And he's so pageanty it's driving me insane. I'm now pulling for Michael Johns or David Cook. I don't really like any of the girls.
4.) I do a lot of substitute teaching so I'm in public schools a lot. One day, I was teaching freshman English. The kids were studying Romeo and Juliet. I start looking through the lesson plans and I see that they are just watching the movie today. You know, the Baz Luhrman, Claire Danes, Leonardo DiCaprio version. And I think, huh--they must have already finished the play and this is like a special treat or something. WRONG. The teacher had decided that this version of the movie would be an adequate replacement for reading the actual play of Romeo and Juliet. I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. I mean people wonder about illiteracy and declining levels of reading comprehension--well there you go. There's the problem right there. I mean give me a break (break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar....sorry, I have jingles in my head) --find a different job.
The crazy thing is, I have never actually had a klondike bar. Which is frankly amazing, considering it ranks in my top five of songs most likely to get stuck in my head. Also on the list, Backstreet Boys, Show me the meaning of Being lonely. I have no explanation.

1 comment :
Dear Goodthyme,
I agree that the high school English teacher who substitutes the reading of Romeo and Juliet with the adaptation starring Leonardo DiCaprio is a complete nimrod. However, I have to say that Wishbone made me look like a genius in AP English. Wishbone is like Cliff Notes on speed. In the time it takes to bake up a hearty pot roast, you can get absorb the entire canon of English literature as portrayed by the cutest Jack Russell terrier you have ever seen. As an added plus Wishbone not only presented a ton of classic literature in 5 minutes, it also taught you how to use classic literature to solve all your real life problems. Name another 30 minute tv show that is that rich. I double dog dare you. And lets not forget that Wishbone had one of the best most original, most heart-string-tugging, theme songs ever:
What's the story, Wishbone? What's this you're dreaming up?
Such big imagination on such a little pup.
What's the story, Wishbone? Do you think it's worth a look?
It kinda seems familiar, like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone! Let's wag another tale.
Sniffin' out adventure with Wishbone on the trail.
C'mon, Wishbone!
What's the story, Wishbone? (x4)
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