Rehabilitate this.
This just in: Another celebrity has checked into rehab. Oh my. Please--let's stop discussing the War in Iraq so I can hear about how rough this poor celebrity has it. How they just had to turn to substances because life was really bad and they really believe this 4 day stay will be just the cure.
Disclaimer: I am sympathetic to those struggling with substance abuse and I appreciate the difficulty of the situation. HOWEVER---
How many more celebrities do we need to hear about? I mean it's like an epidemic. I guess I just don't understand and for the most part I think it's just a publicity stunt. Which is great. Let's lessen the seriousness of addiction by making it like totally mainstream and like a totally awesome reality t.v. show. I mean, come on--Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Give me a break. Reality t.v. is a post all its own but I have to say that show is just terrible. People struggling with substances isn't entertainment. Is that what we've become? To take one of the saddest forms of self inflicted suffering imaginable and trying to pass it off as entertainment? And don't feed me crap about how it's on t.v. to show people how tough it really is and whatever--it's on t.v. for one reason and one reason only--to make people money.
I don't buy all these celebrities checking into rehab. I just don't. And apparently it doesn't really work. I mean how many times are we going to have to watch Britney Spears self destruct? That girl's mother should yank her out of Hollywood and move to Montana. Oh but wait. Her mother has been too busy writing a book on parenting to worry about what her kid is actually doing.
I have no patience with issues like this. You know substance abuse is not a new issue. This isn't the first generation of alcoholics. I don't understand the way people are choosing to handle these situations except as far as I can tell--it's like a nice, substance free vacation from making B-list movies and worthless pop records.
I'm losing sympathy. Maybe I never had any to begin with.
I mean come on--you never hear about Larry the Cable Guy checking into rehab.
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