1) The Hills: I watched the premiere on Monday night, mainly just because I was determined to see why it is one of the top-watched shows of all eternity (I really read that somewhere) and I just have to say, kill me now. If I was getting paid to wear billion dollar clothes, "work" at a trendy magazine, go on trips to paris, and whatever else they do, then I would like to think that I wouldn't be so flat and boring as the girls on the Hills. In every scene, they should be screaming for joy at how famous they are (for no good reason might I add), and rolling around in piles of all the free clothes. Thats how I would do it. I still think a Manhattan, Kansas version would be more entertaining; call it "the flinthills" and film it at my house; our couches don't match, our christmas tree is still up, we have fish, and more television worthy things happen to us than in the script of that worthless show. But of course I'm going to watch next week, because its sort of fun to see Heidi's lips get progressively botoxed.
2)Bravo Reality Shows: I'm addicted to Bravo, and even the shows I try to roll my eyes at, I end up getting hooked on. There is this one episode of Make Me a Supermodel, that I think I have actually seen 3 whole times. And somehow, I end up sitting through the entire thing, like it's completely new to me. And on most channels, I don't even watch a full episode of anything before i get up to do something else. Bravo=serious addiction.
3)Famous People I Strongly Dislike: I think maybe I should just list them, in their respective categories. First off; The Talentless: Jessica Biel (and anybody else who was on Seventh Heaven, which is ironically the one show they probably make people watch in hell.), Scarlett Johansson (plus, she's a butterface), Lindsey Lohan (goes without saying), The Simpsons, Tyra Banks, and the guy from Hitman. Next category, The Identityless: defined by their conversion of style and behavior whenever they date someone new. The Simpsons, Paris Hilton (suddenly she's a rockstar girlfriend or something? A month ago she was running around in pink diamond sandles with a little dog under her arm and now this?), Angelina Jolie (blood sucker turned supermom), and thats about all that I can think of at this point.
4)Famous People I Actually Do Like: Chris Brown. and Ellen.
5)Politics: People always talk about how neato the next presidency could be if we either have a black or female president. And I'm thinking, yeah I get your point, but is Hilary really a woman? And if she is, is she the best representation we can find? She's just kind of a fuddy duddy.
6)Scariest Person Ever: Nicolas Cage. He unexplainably...really frightens me.

7) Creepy News: I never really watch the news, or stay all that updated on comings and goings of stuff. Most of the time we just watch The Soup on the E! channel, which keeps us fairly informed. But I feel like there is just a lot of creepy news lately. Like this one story I read about a lady who sat in a bathroom so long, that the toilet seat fused to her bum. They had to load her into an ambulance with her connected to the toilet seat. And what about that governor, who keeps getting revealed as this whorehouse addicted creepo. How did he have time to govern at all, seems like he just spent all his life going from brothel to brothel in new york city.
That was my first post ever, yippy skippy.